Since I have trouble remembering what my kids did last week, I thought I would blog some of funny things Lilly says just so we can remember!!!
First of all, I wanted to give a Gage update!! At Lilly's doctor apt. on Monday we weighted him and he's gained 1 pound and now weighs 10 lbs.!!! He has also found his little and loud voice. He squawks all the time. He especially likes to squawk when he's in his bouncy chair. He continues to smile all the time and has even started to laugh. It's just the cutest thing ever!! He has also become proficient in rolling over. And while we are proud, unfortunately he rolled over during his nap yesterday and couldn't go back to sleep!
Overall, he's been a really good baby and I am loving my little boy! I think he has me wrapped, though! Carl says I spoil him too much, but I just can't stand it when he cries!!
Okay on to Lilly!!
Lilly starts pre-school next week and she's talking up a storm. The thing she comes up with just cracks us up!
Last week while in the Keys she found some snails outside. She was telling Carl and he just couldn't figure it out what she was saying. This is because her "V's" sound like "B's". For some reason everyone found this saying to be funny and we heard it from the older kids the rest of the week! This is what she said followed by what it sounded like!!
"Two snails moving over there." Two nails moobing ober dere."
The other night Lilly didn't want to sleep in her bed but rather in our bed. Carl was watching tv and she came out telling him her woes. When he told her to go to bed she said "I'm done talking about it." I don't want to talk about it anymore...I'm sleeping with you."
While Lilly and Carl were down at his parents Lilly stuck her tongue out at Pop Pop. Carl said "Lilly Grace" and she came storming over to him and said "Do you want to talk about this right now?" Carl responded "Yes, I want to talk about this" and she followed up by saying "Well I don't want to talk about this right now." Unfortunately everyone was rolling in laughter and she got away with her bad attitude. Where does she come up with these things?!?!
She also calls Gatorade "Alligator". And she has started saying "Oh my gosh." Not sure if I'm too keen on this one, but I guess she hears it from me.
I know there's more, but I can't remember anymore at this point!!