Thursday, September 25, 2008


It's been a busy week! Seems like we had something to keep us busy every day!
Thanks, Nana, for the stickers. Lilly enjoyed putting them all over Gage.
And yes, Gage has two different socks. Just don't ask!!
Lilly with her yellow wiskers!

Lilly went to the Dentist for the first time and did really well!
She was so brave and was so still in the chair!! I was so proud of her:)

Her very clean teeth and special balloon for being so good!
Since the weather is getting nicer, Lilly has been enjoying
riding her 4-wheeler a lot!

Our cute little man!

His new teeth. The first one (on the left) broke through on
Friday and the other one broke through on Monday.

I love his expression in this one!

Our happy boy:)

Lilly's beautiful dress lovingly made by Jackie!

Lilly had her face painted at the party and also went a little
overboard on the lip gloss that was in her princess ring!

All the girls at the Princess Party!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kiddo Pics

Gage hasn't been sleeping so well in his crib, but seems to
like his swing! He's cutting a tooth so that could be the problem!

Wearing his Gator outfit from Aunt Donna.

Although Lilly was sick over the weekend, she was still up for a smile!!

Lilly shared her bunny with Gage. She likes to give
him stuffed animals while he's swinging!

The two cutie pies!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mommy Got Braces

Can you believe it? At 30 Mommy has finally gotten braces! She got them yesterday and says she already wants them off! They started with the top and will do the bottom ones on in a month!! Her bottom teeth are so bad that they could be on for 14 months...poor Mommy!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

BAD Hair Day!!

Mommy forgot to post these pictures a while back. But from looking at them, I think you'll understand why she cut my hair off!

BTW, everyone loves my new hair cut. I am getting lots of compliments. And Mommy loves it too since she doesn't have to wash and dry it before school!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gage's Four Month Update

It's hard to believe, but Gage is 4 months old! The time has flown by!! He went to the doctor today and got a good report. Here is what's new with our guy!

~ Gage weighs 10 lbs. 8 oz. and 23 inches long. He's a little small for his age, but he's still cute! His doctor wants him eating cereal twice a day and he tried some tonight and did well (I've been putting cereal in his nightly bottle for over a week!!).
~ He continues to smile up a storm. He just melts our hearts!
~ He's also a roll-over king! He is pretty proud of this as me a big smile when I come in and find him on his back!
~ He's also starting to push up and has great head control.
~ The little guy also likes to laugh. It's usually a chuckle that turns into a laugh. The best part is when he starts laughing because Lilly is laughing. When I first heard it I thought he was starting to cry, but no, he was just copying her!!
~ Speaking of Lilly, Gage absolutely adores his sister. He loves to watch her and always gives her the biggest smiles!
~ Gage also enjoys his baths. He kicks and waves his arms like crazy!
~ He also continues to be a good sleeper! He was sleeping through the night like a champ and then when I started getting up to workout at 5am, he decided to start waking up at odd times. I think he's through that stage...I hope!!!
~ Finally, he loves his thumb and most recently his pointer finger. I've heard it's a hard habit to break, but for now, it's so cute when he does it!!!

We are truly blessed by our little guy and love having a boy!! Here's the little runt!

Lilly update!
I couldn't do a post without a few pics of Lilly:) Today she got her hair cut. She needed a pretty drastic cut because she likes to twirl her hair (which breaks the hair) and sometimes even pulls her hair out. So one side is nice and long while the other side is super thin. The new hair cut looks really cute and helps cover up the length discrepancies!!