It's hard to believe that our Little Man will be turning ONE on May 2nd. This year has flown by and I wanted to highlight some recent pics of him so that in the coming years I could remember him as the Little Man!!
I just love when he sticks his little feet out of the crib!

Chewing on some pizza crust...he loved it!

Enjoying the swing at the park. He didn't want to get out!

All smiles with Nana!

We went to the park for Lilly's birthday and of course the Nuk had to come along!
I try to only let him have it in the car and in the crib. He snuck it out of the car on this day!

We are working on putting pavers on the back porch and of course it got a little
dirty. On this day Pop Pop wanted Gage to get in the hole Carl created to fix our
pool leak. He wasn't so crazy about the mud, but enjoyed sitting with Pop Pop
and chewing on the brick paver!
WOW...I can't believe he is going to be ONE already! Where does the time go!?!?!
He's a cutie pie. I know time goes quickly next thing we know they're 17. lol lol lol
I sure wish I could stop time for a while. I am just enjoying my little guy soooo much! Not ready for any teenages just yet:)
Ok, Gage is one of the cutest little boys ever!!! I just want to squeeze him! Love and miss you oodles! XOXO
happy birthday gage!!
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