Lilly started Pre-K yesterday at Lakeview Christian. She was so excited to go, however, we had a little trouble getting out the door on time! Seems we got rather use to our slow and leisurely pace this summer! Nevertheless, we got there before the bell rang and Lilly was off before I could say goodbye! She knows most of the kids in her class (through school last year and church) and was the Line Leader the FIRST day!! Mrs. Hartman is her teacher and has been teaching Pre-K for over 20 years. It's a true honor to have her since she's taught almost all of the other Canevari grandkids.
Gage was also excited about Lilly's classroom. There are lots of things to touch. He likes climbing up on the little chairs (and then on to the table if I'm not quick enough to catch him!!!).
When I picked her up, she didn't want to leave. Guess that's a good sign! And of course Mrs. Hartman said that she did very well and set a good example for the other kids!! She makes her momma proud!!!

1 comment:
love all the pics on lilly's first day of school. but so sad that she's old enough to be going :( thanks for a great weekend! we loved it!!
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