Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Nana's Visit

Today Nana came for a visit. She arrived early this morning and I was so excited to see her! I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks and I had been looking forward to her arrival (mommy told me about her coming last night and I wouldn't stop talking about it!). Nana brought me a special present and I just loved it! It's the Fisher Price Doctor set. It's in my signature color, pink (thanks, Aunt Kate), and I just loved it! We played with it for a long time!

The real reason for Nana's visit was so that she could accompany me to the Doctor's office with mommy. Mommy was going for her check-up and to hear the heartbeat. Mommy is now 14 weeks pregnant and I was able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was hard to find at first and the baby really didn't cooperate well, but we still heard it! I have to admit, I wasn't too impressed. It sounded like a like of loud static to me!!

All in all, we had a really fun day together! I missed Nana when she had to leave and even cried later that day when I wanted to go and visit her. I hope we go to Nana and Poppy's house soon!

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