Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lilly Update

Lilly was very kind to give her mommy free reign of a post, so I wanted to take this opportunity to provide some Lilly updates! Lilly's friend, Austin, just had a 13 month update and I thought it was a great idea. I can't remember what Lilly was doing at 13 months and I thought I better start writing it down now or I would never remember her at 2 and half!!

1. Lilly loves all things out doors. I am coming to grips with the fact that she will be a tomboy, but that is okay! She loves to play in the dirt, the sandbox (hiding treasures from the pirates) and would spend all day outside if I would let her!

2. She's talking up a storm. She makes complete sentences and we can finally understand most of what she says. It's so much fun to communicate with her, but we have to be careful what we say! Either she'll copy us or scold us for saying things like "shut up"!

3. She has an incredible memory. I am sure this is typical for a toddler, but it still amazes us! She can go somewhere one time and remember it the next time we visit or pass it. And I mean it can be months later and she'll remember. Hope that continues!

4. She loves to sing and loves music. Sometimes she will sing an entire car ride. Some songs are recognizable and others she's just rambling! Currently she loves a song by Chris Tomlin (I think that's the artist!) called Dance In the River (Lilly says riber!). Every time we're in the car we listen to in...several times!! She loves to rock out to it!!

5. She also loves watching Little Einstein's. She's crazy about them and talks about them often. She also knows their theme song word for word and it's so cute to hear her sing it!

6. She's really into her friends. She's very social and asks me all the time if her friends can over. She even asked a girl she just met if she would like to come over and play with her!! So needless to say, I do my best to have friends over as often as possible!

7. She also getting very good about going to the bathroom by herself. Before now I would have to assist her every time, but now she can take care of herself!!! What a major accomplishment! And she only wears diapers for naps and night-time and hopefully that will end soon as well...just in time for me to do diapers all over again with a baby!

8. She is still a great napper. She usually sleeps 2-2.5 hours a day and I am so grateful. Since I am always tired, we usually take a nap together! I just love that time together.

9. Lilly also loves to help me clean. I have to be careful sometimes because she wants to be right in the action! It's nice, though, because she usually does a good job with her sponge cleaning everything she can reach! One day I will have her completely trained!

10. And finally, Lilly likes to talk to her brother, although she still thinks it's sister and calls him Coco. Often I will complain about my stomach hurting and she will walk up and say " Gage, you be nice to my mommy". It's just about the cutest thing ever! Today before our nap we were laying in bed and she put her head on my belly and he started kicking her head. She thought it was so funny!

11. Lilly has also just learned how to stear her little John Deer four wheeler. Before we would have to walk along side of her to make sure she didn't hit anything or anyone, but just recently she has learned how to navigate on her own. Since then she loves to drive all over the place and will often yell for me when she gets stuck. I usually make her get off and push her "bike" (as she calls it) just so she doesn't get too lazy!

There are so many things that I am sure I'm missing, but this list will do for now!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Betsy! It's Abby Spoelman...from the good ol' days of 2WO :) I found your blog through Jess's. So fun to read about your little Lilly! I have a little girl, Ashlyn, who will be 3 in May and a little monkey--I mean boy--Maguire who just turned a few weeks ago. I'm so jealous that Lilly's doing so well with potty training! Ashlyn doesn't really have any interest--bummer. fun to catch up with you a bit! Tell Amy I said hello, too :)