Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Been A While!!

Aren't you sick of the Santa pictures already?? I know I am, but my hands are tied right now. My old computer crashed on me (thankfully I can still access my pictures) and I have been working from the computer in the office. Since I am hoping to fix the laptop, I haven't wanted to upload new pics to any other computer. But since Carl hasn't even taken the laptop out of the house to be looked at, I might need to upload them soon!!

As an update, I took Gage to a Pediatric Neurologist yesterday to see about his tremors. Thankfully mom and Amy went with me to take notes and help ask/answer questions. After asking a lot of questions and examining Gage, the Doctor determined that the tremors are more than likely a Tic and also an unconscious way his body shows excitement. He said that as long as they don't get any worse and he keeps on hitting all of the developmental milestones, that Gage would be fine. Of course it was a tremendous relief to us. So we will continue to keep a close eye on him and see how it goes!!

I also wanted to wish Aunt Amy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We were in West Palm this weekend so we were able to celebrate it with her, but I still wanted to say it again:) Hope it's a great one!!!! Enjoy it because next year you hit the {BIG} 30!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, we have been missing you guys at dance. seems like forever! hope all is well.