The other night Pop Pop, Ren and I went down to the property and happened upon a momma bear and her two cubs. Since University of Kentucky is doing bear research just down the road from us, Daddy called them and they came down and set a trap (with doughnuts). The purpose in trapping the bears is so they can put an ear tag and chip as well as a GPS collar on the bears. The researchers want to track the activities of the bears to learn more about them. The cubs have been trapped several times, but the momma has still evaded us! Here are a few pics of the cubs (Daddy estimates they weigh about 75+ pounds).

Here I am in my second favorite Halloween outfit!
Checking out the little bear with Daddy

This is the second time they trapped the bear. Hanging out with my cousins.
They were checking the ear tag that they put in a couple of days ago.
Bears must really like doughnuts beause they keep on getting trapped!
Look at the size of his paws and he's only a cub!
I had no fear in holding his head. Mommy said I was so brave!
Mommy posing for the camera to prove she wasn't scared!
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