Monday, June 16, 2008

Kids Update

So I decided to do an update on each of the kids. I am doing this to mainly to have a record of what they were doing at this stage in their development...since my memory is getting so bad!!

1. She talking like a little "chatty Kathy". And her conversations are getting more and more mature! The other day I was putting lotion on her and she didn't want it on and she told me, "I've told you several times that I don't like it." "Several times", where did she get that?!?! It was so cute!

2. Since Gage's arrival, she has really enjoyed playing with ALL of her dolls and teddy bears. I will often hear her talking to them and acting like a little mommy. The only problem is that she like to use Gage's swing, car-seat and bouncy chair. So, whenever I need to use them, I have to first have to unbuckle a doll or teddy...a little frustrating if I have a fussy baby in my arms!

3. She is also getting fixated on things such as her Halloween outfit. I think the outfit has debuted on the blog several times because she wears it whenever it's clean...which means I'm washing it almost every other day...otherwise she'll wear it dirty! She's also obsessed with particular books which means reading them several times a day (oh yea for me!!).

4. Thankfully Lilly is still taking a daily nap and sleeps at least 2 hours. Can I just say "hallelujah!"

5. Lilly also prefers to take a big shower rather than a bath these days! She goes into our shower and even likes to use bar of soap and bath herself. I have really enjoyed this because it takes makes bathing easier on me!!

6. And although her hair looks so nice after I dry it, she hates the process. She's always ask me if we have to wash and dry her hair. It's quite funny! Thankfully she stands still and lets me dry her hair when needed!

He is such a sweet baby and we are all enjoying him! It's hard to believe that Gage is already 6 weeks old. Where has the time gone?

1. He is neck/head is getting stronger and stronger every day. He holds his head up really well while on my shoulder and even picks it up well while laying on his belly!

2. Gage also smiles a lot. He especially likes to smile when you're talking to him. He has the biggest, sweetest smile! I am sure he's going to be a real charmer!

3. He definitely recognizes his sister. Just last night she was talking to him while he was laying in his boppy and he was smiling and cooing at her. It was so cute!

4. I have also learned that he likes to sleep on his tummy which means that naps are much easier these days. If I get him down in time, he usually goes to sleep with no problems!

5. He is a big fan of the Zolo sling. I usually put him in it when we are out and about or when I go on a walk. He's all snuggled in it and loves it! I had him in it during Lilly's recital and he got a lot of attention. Everyone wanted to see the little bundle!!

6. He's not a fan of movies...yet! We took Lilly to see Kung Fu Panda yesterday and unfortunately, Gage just didn't like the loud noise. So Gage and I spent the time waiting on Lilly and daddy...lucky me!!

7. He's not a big fan of his baths. Sometimes he won't fuss, but other times he gets really upset. I haven't figured out what upsets him, but all I know is that I have to bath him quickly!!

8. Finally, the bumps on his head have really gone down. They are hardly even noticeable anymore. So thankfully he will have a normal head!!!

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