Last week Gage hit the crawling milestone! He took his time to start crawling which was just fine with me!! Each day he craws a little farther and explores a new area. He also likes to lay on his belly and spin himself in circles...it's rather funny! The only problem is that I am having to vacuum almost daily. It's amazing how dirty the floors get!
Little Man also got his 8th tooth. It's hard to believe since Lilly got her first tooth at 9 months. He has also started saying "Momma" in addition to "Dadda" and often says something close to "yum yum" when he eats!
He has also graduated to eating some meats and has done really well with them. He continues to be a great eater although he wants nothing to do with his Puffs. We are working on that, though!
He goes to the Doctor this week for his 9 month check-up. I'll update more after that appointment!
WOW! Where does the time go??? I miss you Betsy!
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