Saturday was a rather laid back, but chilly morning. The day before I had purchased some tomatoes and since we were out of tomato soup, I decided that I would find a recipe and try to make it myself. The recipe was Roasted Tomato Soup and so I set to work preparing the tomatoes to roast them. All was well until it was time to blend all the ingredients. Since I didn't have the handheld blender (that the recipe called for!) I decided just to put in my blender. Now I realize that I shouldn't put hot items in the blender, but I wasn't thinking about that on this particular day. As you can imagine, I found a quick mess on my below will tell the tale!

Of course Lilly came in all distraught with the mess and even helped me clean it up! The unfortunate thing, though, is that the soup was a flop. I was missing some of the ingredients and it really tasted bad, even though Lilly attempted to still eat it!
After cleaning up the mess (minus my shirt), I got Gage in bed and started to make Lilly's lunch. I had just put her grilled cheese sandwich on the stove and had gone to the bathroom when I heared Gage crying (he had already fallen asleep at this point). I knew something was up so I checked on him. What I found was an utter mess. All 8oz. of food were all over his face, hair, clothes and bed. This is what was left when I picked him up!

I did my best to clean him up and took his clothes off. I wrapped him in a blanket and grabbed his towel and wash cloth. Since the sink was full of dirty dishes I decided to bath him in our sink. On the way to the bathroom I smelt a burning smell and rushed into the kitchen to find a very burned sandwich:(

So I whisked him off to the sink which he absolutely hated. I couldn't get him cleaned fast enough. Thankfully I got him dressed and back to bed just in time to get Lilly off to bed, my shirt changed and the kitchen cleaned up. And yes, I dumped all 5 cups of tomato soup and even got Gage's clothes washed! As soon as I was done, I got into bed with Lilly and took what I believed was a well deserved nap!!
now, that's funny!
I have to say something kind of similar happen to me on wednesday afternoon at first I was upset, but afterwards I started laughing. I like what you did pictures of everything, I need to do that next time so I can show my kids when they get older.
It wasn't easy taking the pics, but I knew that I would need the evidence for my elaborate story! Plus, it really gives it more impact for the hubby:)
Oh my gosh!!! So I really want kids, right?!?!?! Hee-hee! What a great story...but I'm sure you weren't thinking that in the midst of it all! I miss you oodles and love you! Hope your day is much better today. Love, me XOXO
OMG - this is sooooo my typical day and the fact that you photographed it all...AWESOME! Thank you for the great laugh!
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