Last weekend Lilly, Gage and I traveled to Lake Wales to see my Pen pal, Betsey Langford. Betsey and I have been corresponding since we were 10 years old. Betsey is from OH (her parents have a winter home in Lake Wales) and we met through a mutual friend and have stayed in touch over the past 20 years! We have seen eachother periodically over the years, but it's been 3 years since our last get together (due to having babies). The last time we saw eachother Carson was about 3 months old and I was pregnant with Lilly.
I was excited to see Betsey and her kids and was curious how the kids would do together. Thankfully after warming up to eachother, Carson and Lilly really hit it off. They played board games together and enjoyed the (fake) Parrot on the front porch and especially liked the pool. We stayed for a couple of hours and as we were driving off, Lilly told me she was going to miss her new friends!
Betsey and I decided that our girls would start corresponding with eachother. I think Lilly will really enjoy it because she loves getting mail!! Perhaps they will become good friends as well:)
I was excited to see Betsey and her kids and was curious how the kids would do together. Thankfully after warming up to eachother, Carson and Lilly really hit it off. They played board games together and enjoyed the (fake) Parrot on the front porch and especially liked the pool. We stayed for a couple of hours and as we were driving off, Lilly told me she was going to miss her new friends!
Betsey and I decided that our girls would start corresponding with eachother. I think Lilly will really enjoy it because she loves getting mail!! Perhaps they will become good friends as well:)
cute pictures...but I'm going to make fun of you though...Lake WALES (if you are talking about the little town in Florida on Hwy 27). Sorry. I lived there for a little while but it amazed me how many people misspelled it! lol I love meeting up with old friends though!! :)
Well I've never been known for my spelling! Guess I better change it:)
no need to change it - Im just giving you a hard time!!! XOXO
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