Thursday, August 23, 2007

No, MY Toes!

Today I stayed with Jackie while mommy had a Doctor's appointment. I noticed that Jackie had her toes painted and wanted mine done as well. So she painted my toe nails and finger! Then we went! I got into Pop Pop's Polaris (large golf cart!) and right away the turkeys came over to see me. Since Jackie raised them from babies, they are very friendly. Right away they noticed my beautiful toes and started pecking at them. I started yelling at them, "No, no, my toes." I then covered my toes with my hands and they started pecking at my finger nails. At this point I got really upset and yelled "No, no, Pop Pop's truck, get down" but they didn't listen. Finally they started eating the corn, but I wasn't happy about that either. I told them "no, no, corn for deer, not turkeys" but they didn't listen. Finally they got down and left me alone!
Now, you may be wondering where Jackie was during all of this! Well, she was right there looking on and was laughing uncontrollably. She kept on saying, "If I only had my video camera."

Mommy thought this was such a funny story that she just wanted me to share it!!

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