It's not done yet, but at least I can play in my fort! Mommy says that they picked a really bad time to build a swing set. It was really hot yesterday like over 95 degrees...whatever that means! And today mommy is pretty tired and has a bad sunburn. She keeps on saying she doesn't know how daddy works out in that heat!
Here are a few pics of my day! I will have mommy post the swing set picture tomorrow. Daddy and mommy stopped when it was dark, so the picture didn't turn out!

Posing on the job!
Daddy, smile! Aren't you having fun?
Mommy and me working hard!
I'm a princess! That's what I said when I looked out my castle window!
Pop Pop was being silly with the drill!
Your swing set and play house is missing a sign.... guess who has one for you! Tell your mom and dad to finish by this weekend so I can play on it when Jeremy and I come over. See you Saturday!
Lilly I Love your play house. We will have lunch up there real soon.
I will bring your house warming gift to you tomarrow. The Dora rug will be perfect to sit on. Jackie (Grandma) loves you very much. You are the perfect child in every way.
You are just to cute.
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